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Validate Your Business Idea in Days Instead of Months
It can be difficult to validate a business idea. With Preto, you can quickly create a landing page to gather emails from potential customers. Share your idea effortlessly with automatically generated ads.
Avoid Wasting Time Building a Product Users Don't Want
Without Preto
Spend months validating a business ideaWaste time on complicated landing page buildersIt's nearly impossible to test different versions of your idea at the same timeLack of creatives for communication with customersSpend hours on design and logos
With Preto
Validate your business idea in days
Create a professional landing page by filling out a form
Create variants of the landing page and see which one that performs the best
Instantly generate ads based on the landing page
Generate a simple logo and focus on your idea
Preto is a tool i've been looking after for a long time. We use it to quickly mock up presentations for concepts that we work on, to figure out what to invest our time in. It's very fast to work with and I haven't found anything else like it.
Alexander, Founder of Hybl
Landing page editor

Present Your Idea With a Beautiful Landing Page

Fill out form to populate your landing page

You simply describe your business idea and we will present it in the best way possible.

Page segments designed to convince

Preto contains all the segments you need to communicate your message.

Clear call to action

You want to let your visitors know what to do. A call to action button is visible several places on the website. When clicked, a dialog will appear where the interested visitors can enter their email.

Market fit

Discover the Optimal Solution Through Split Testing

Your initial idea might not be the one that addresses your customers' needs. Utilizing split testing allows you to effortlessly test different ideas and find the one that resonates best with your audience.

Create unlimited variants

When the user navigates to your page, they will be redirected to one of the active page variants.

Test small changes with linked variants

By creating a linked variant, only the new text you write will be replacing the base variant. This makes it easier to make a few adjustments, while still being able to change core elements across multiple variants.

Analyze data

Every time the users visit a variant and enter their email, it will be logged and you can analyze the performance over time.


Engage With Your Customers Using Autogenerated Ads

The data entered in the landing page editor will be used as content in ads.

Communicate effectively with customers

Increasing awareness of your landing page among customers is crucial. Utilize social media advertising to broaden your outreach.

Utilize professional templates

Preto's professionally designed templates will lend your advertisements a trustworthy and polished appearance, enhancing your brand's credibility.

Based on page variants

You have the ability to generate advertisements using content from various page versions.

Just used Preto for the first time trying to rebuild a landing page I hired an agency earlier this year. Got almost the same result same day and for literally 1/100th of the price. Will keep using it for testing new service offerings from now on!
Jan Armbruster, Founder @ scrollstop.io
Validation Toolset

All the Tools You Need to Test Your Idea

No need to look further. Preto has all the tools you need to test and validate your idea.

Landing page editor

Present your idea to potential customers

Email signups

Let the customers tell you they're interested


Present variantions of your idea to different people

Autogenerated ads

Drive people to your site

Autogenerated logos

Create a trustworthy appearance


Find the idea that resonates best with your customer


Frequently Asked Questions

I used Preto to create this landing page in less than two hours. It's an easy and fast tool to test and validate ideas
Nikolaj Andersen, Creator of Preto.app
/ month
Unlimited landing pages
Unlimited page variants
Unlimited email signups
Auto generated logos
Auto generated ads